The writing on the wall is crystal clear: US economy is heading for its greatest collapse in history, far more serious than the great depression of 1929 and the Stock market crash of 2008. But unfortunately the manipulators are busy rigging the stock market to dizzy heights, ignoring serous warning from several senior economists and legendary investors like Warren Buffet, George Soros, Mark Faber, James Davidson among others. But the endgame has begun, it is only a matter of time before it is all over.
What ails the US economy and what would be the timing of this much awaited collapse, let us try to understand. The biggest problem with US economy is the ever ballooning debt: The national debt of the US economy is over $ 20 trillion (up from $ 1 trillion in 1980's) However, this figure does not include unfunded liabilities like unemployment grants, retirement and social security expenses. If these are included the figure is well over $ 210 trillion. The average US citizen carries a debt burden of over $ 600,000, which the highest debt per person in the world. In the past two decades the Political class and the Federal reserve have moved from productivity linked growth to debt financed growth. In the process US now boasts of a most corrupt political class and a highly irresponsible media which have been hiding the truth from the US people. The figures of official unemployment rate are 5.5%, whereas the actual unemployment is a staggering 23%. The US Dollar has been artificially propped up and interest rates artificially pegged too low to avoid the catastrophe. But the more the FED prints notes more deeper it gets into trouble. The FED has financed/ bought 71% of the US economic debt by printing dollars. The latest figures reveal that many countries including Russia and China have been aggressively selling US treasuries, and buying Gold instead.
Rampant gambling is going on at Wall Street where the top US investment companies are propping up the markets by over leveraging the funds lent by US Govt. The average exposure of the Top 5 investment companies (includes Morgan Stanley, BOA Merryl Lynch) is over 30 times their net worth, any stock market hick-up can force them into bankruptcy. The argument that these companies are too big to fail does not hold good any longer. Politically also US is passing through a very bleak phase. Donald Trump is trying his best to revive the economy, but the corrupt administrators are busy thwarting his decisions. They have also hatched a conspiracy to malign Trump. Even the FED Chairman is not supportive of Trump's policies and is waiting to shift the responsibiliy of the economic failure on the doorsteps of Trump.
The crash now seems inevitable. It will lead to:
- A stock market correction of up to 50% (The current PE of the market at 27 is well above the historical average of 16, despite stagnating performance by companies
- The real estate market may follow suit with a fall of over 30%
- The US dollar will cease to be a global currency and its value may fall by over 20%
- The unemployment rate in US may double from the current level
- The banking system may be shut for few days, and there could be shortages of food and essential items
- Other global markets may also fall in tandem with the US market
Now about the timing of the impending crash. Although fundamentally time is over for the US economy, but the actual timing of the death knell will be signalled through a peep into astrology.:
A Great American Eclipse is going to occur on Monday, 21st August 2017. It is the first Solar eclipse in 99 years that will engulf the entire USA, total eclipse will be visible in 10 states. This will likely trigger the collapse of the US economy. The impact of the eclipse will be felt one month before its occurrence, coinciding with the Leo moon cycle (July 23 - August 21, 2017). This period would likely produce earth shaking moments for the US, which may lead to startling revelations against the US President or radical moves by him causing public anger & violence.
In a nutshell, US economy is likely to face a severe shutdown between June 21 & September 21, 2017. As a matter of abundant caution please advise your friends and relatives living or working in US to prepare themselves for this catastrophe. Those of you planning a trip to US may also take necessary precautions rather than getting caught unawares.
(Disclaimer: The aim of this article is not to create panic but help readers to understand the situation and take informed decisions about their wealth and property. The impact of this US crisis on Indian economy shall be analysed in a separate post)
1 comment:
One thing we must remember is that US politicians and administration are not corrupt, unlike developing countries. Nextly it is well known that US economy is consumption based and whole world, I said whole world is financing their Economy by investing in US treasury and doing transactions in US$. I don't see any alternative model in present day scenario to overtake the dominance of US economy.
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